Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Studio Altius Workshop, Week 2 Assignment

I started a six week Beginners Digital Photography series at the beginning of March. Each week, we have a set of assignments to exercise what we have learned. Here are some of my first week’s shots. Hopefully by week six we’ll see marked improvement! I leave for vacation the very next day and hope to really get some great shots while I’m out of the country!

Week 2 Assignment gave us a variety of requirements to practice various aspects of manual photography. I'm a fan of a low depth of field, which would be the first couple of shots.

Of course, grapes are very close to my heart, they make my favorite thing. Wine.

The pitiful look is due to the peice of chicken on top of my lens, and partially because she isn't allowed to have it until I say "OK". This explains why she gets so excited anytime I touch my camera...

Downtown St. Louis in a place Alex wouldn't let me go alone!

Can you name this guard rail?
Probably only if you read ahead. ;)
Random assignment requiring variety of angles of a single item.
I liked the reflection of this one.

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